How To Play
- Insert cash or ticket into the bill acceptor.
- Touch your desired chip value on the screen and place it on the main bet circle.
- Touch your desired chip value on the screen and place it on the sidebet circles – Bet the Set “21”, Royal Match 21, or both!
- Once all wagers are made, the betting clock will reach zero and the game begins.
- Dealer deals each player two cards and deals herself two cards, one facing up.
- If the dealer’s first card is an ace, INSURANCE is offered. Select YES or NO if you’d like insurance.
- If the dealer has a Blackjack, the dealer reveals his/her second card and the game ends. Insurance bets are paid. Player Blackjack hands that are not insured are pushed. All other bets lose.
- If the dealer does not have Blackjack, the dealer does not reveal his/her second card and the game continues.
- Press the HIT button to recive another card, or press the STAND button to end your turn.
- Players that beat the dealer are paid. (Press the Pay Table button to view payouts.)
NOTE: See Game Play/ Rules for more specific information on how to play Electronic Blackjack.
- HIT – Receive an additional card.
- STAND – Maintain current hand.
- RE-BET – Places the same bets as the previous game.
- DOUBLE DOWN – Double wager and receive one card.
- SURRENDER – Forfeit hand and receive half of your wager back.
- SPLIT – Split your pairs. Aces only receive one card after split.
- UNDO – Undo previous bet.
- CLEAR BET – Clear any bet placed.
- INSURANCE – Wager half base bet on dealer’s natural Blackjack.
- COLLECT – Pays the value on the credit meter on a printed ticket.
- PAYTABLE – View game and side-bets payouts.
- GAME PLAY / RULES – View how to play the game and see rules.